Lot 151 SOLD | [ C ] | Estimate: $175 | Realised Price : $180 |
1864-77 group of covers with 2d Chalons to pay the inland rate, with 1864 Ipswich to Brisbane with 2d No Wmk Perf 13 Rough, 1868 Townsville to Bowen, 1869 Dalby to Toowoomba, 1870 Nebo to St. Lawrence, 1871 Brisbane to Toowoomba, 1873 Rockhampton local, 1877 Rockhampton to St. Lawrence with Wmk Truncated Star or Wmk Crown over Q Perf 13. Some faults, but several are fine (7 covers)
Lot 152 SOLD | [ C ] | Estimate: $80 | Realised Price : $80 |
1865 (18 Dec) cover from Ipswich to Frampton Cottrell, Gloucestershire with 1864-65 Wmk Small Star Perf 13 6d Yellow-green indistinctly cancelled, reverse with Ipswich despatch cds, 'SHIP LETTER/QUEENSLAND' cds, and arrival datestamps. Roughly opened on reverse with portion of flap missing
Lot 153 SOLD | [ C ] | Estimate: $220 | Realised Price : $170 |
1868 (4 Jul) cover to Preston, U.K. with Wmk Truncated Star Perf 13 2d Pale Blue pair (from the first printing on this paper) and 1862-67 No Wmk Perf 13 Clean-cut 6d Apple-green cancelled '23' in rays of Roma, endorsed 'Via Marseilles' and with Brisbane transit and Preston arrival backstamps. A fine and attractive mixed issue franking
Lot 154
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $140 | Purchase Price : $123 |
1870 (31 May) cover from Maryborough to Kapunda (S.A.) with 1868-78 Wmk Crown over Q (I) Perf 13 6d Yellow-green tied by '201' in rays cancel, Adelaide arrival cds on face, and despatch and Kapunda arrival datestamps on reverse. Back flap torn and defect at top left, however a scarce destination – Palmer records only seven covers to South Australia in the Chalon period, four of which are from this Kapunda correspondence
Lot 155
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $140 | Purchase Price : $123 |
1870 (28 Apr) long cover (240mm x 109mm) to Bowen with 2d Blue and 6d Yellow-green Wmk Crown over Q (I) Perf 13 tied by '59' in rays of Townsville, two vertical folds and slight portion missing at top left however a scarce quadruple inland rate not listed in the Palmer census
Lot 156
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $140 | Purchase Price : $123 |
1873 (8 Apr) cover to Montreal, Canada with 1868-74 Wmk Truncated Star Perf 13 2d Blue and 6d Yellow-green tied by '96' in rays of Maryborough, endorsed 'Via Southampton', with '2' in red accountancy, and with Brisbane transit and Montreal arrival backstamps. Roughly opened and reverse reinforced with hinges, and with peripheral wear
Lot 157
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $120 | Purchase Price : $105 |
1873 (14 May) cover to London endorsed 'Via Brindisi', franked 1868-74 Watermark Truncated Star 3d Brown and 6d Yellow-green tied by Rockhampton '201' numerals, arrival backstamp, repaired flap tears otherwise fine, unlisted in the Ben Palmer census
Lot 158
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $100 | Purchase Price : $88 |
1874 (Sep) Maryborough town letter with 1868-74 Wmk Truncated Star Perf 12 2d Blue cancelled '96' in rays, very fine and a scarce double rate unlisted in the Palmer census
Lot 159
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $175 | Purchase Price : $158 |
1875 (11 Jun) cover to St. Servan, France with Wmk Crown over Q (I) Perf 13 2d Deep Blue and Perf 12 6d Deep Green tied by '214' in rays of Toowoomba, with 'P.D.' in red, and Brisbane and French transit and arrival backstamps, fine and attractive
Lot 160
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $140 | Purchase Price : $123 |
1882 (12 July) cover to Warlingham, Surrey with 3d Brown Wmk Crown over Q (I) Perf 12 strip of 3 cancelled '33' in rays of Mackay, and endorsed 'By packet route'. Reverse with Mackay, Brisbane and Croydon arrival datestamps. Some peripheral wear nevertheless a good 9d Brindisi rate cover
Lot 161
 | [ PS ] | Estimate: $200 | Purchase Price : $175 |
1883 (1 Feb) use of 1d postal card (crease) to Brisbane, Bundaberg return address, showing superb strike of rare oval 'LOOSE/SHIP/LETTER' (Hosking #1358) and unframed Maryborough cds
Lot 162
 | [ C ] | Estimate: $50 | Purchase Price : $45 |
1889 (11 Mar) cover to Washington D.C. (?) with 1882-83 4d Sideface (2) cancelled '450' in bars of Gympie, endorsed 'Via San Francisco', with illegible arrival backstamp, and with 'PAID/ALL' in circle. Cover slightly trimmed at left and with minor defects
Lot 163 SOLD | [ C ] | Estimate: $120 | Realised Price : $125 |
1889 (10 Sep) cover to Hannover, Germany with 1887-89 1d (3) and 1882-83 6d Sidefaces cancelled '59' in rays of Townsville, endorsed 'Per SS Dacca via Torres Straits' and showing a late use of the 'P.D.' handstamp in black, Brindisi transit and Hannover arrival backstamps. Fine and attractive example of the 9d rate
Lot 164
 | [ C/PS ] | Estimate: $100 | Purchase Price : $88 |
Thursday Island: 1899 uprated 1d postal card (view of Charleville) and 1906 1d picture postcard showing rays '148' or BN '336' along with unframed cds, also 1931-83 covers with mainly fine datestamps, two registered including 1948 with provisional label (11)
Lot 165
 | [ PPC ] | Estimate: $150 | Purchase Price : $134 |
c1905 picture postcard to Tasmania with Netherlands Indies 2½c and 5c tied by Townsville duplexes and with very fine oval 'LOOSE/SHIP/LETTER'(Hosking #1524)