1913-14 1d Kangaroo Original Die uprated with 3d Kangaroo Die I for registration and used 1916 (21 June) from Wickepin (WA), addressed to William Ackland, Stamp Dealer, very fine and attractive
1913 1d Red Original Die uprated with South Australia 1d (4) and used from Lower Light (SA) to Nykobing Juyll, Denmark, tied by squared circle ds, arrival backstamp. Some minor blemishes, but a fine mixed States/Commonwealth franking
1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Original State of Die, one used 1913 (4 Dec) from Pingelly to Perth, other a late usage uprated with ½d George V pair and used 1920 (3 Nov) from Campbelltown (Tas) to Melbourne, both very fine (2)
1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Original Die, two examples showing the different types of CTO obliteration used for U.P.U. distribution- 'MELBOURNE' cds with blank base (AP 24/13), and 'MELBOURNE/24'cds, both very fine. The latter cancel is not noted by the BW catalogue. BW EP1w, cat AU$300 (2)
1913-14 1d Kangaroo Die I pair of envelope enclosed in wrapper band inscribed 'ONE PENNY/STAMPED ENVELOPES/Two, 2½d.' Fine and very scarce, the envelopes alone cat AU$400
1913-14 1d Kangaroo Die 2, five envelope with wrapper band inscribed 'ONE PENNY/STAMPED ENVELOPES/Five, 6d.', with 6d changed to 5½d by green handstamp. Fine and fresh, and very scarce, envelopes alone cat AU$1000
1928 KGV Oval Embossed ½d Orange, 1d Green, 1½d Red, 2d Brown each CTO with 'G.P.O./MELBOURNE' cds for U.P.U. distribution, very fine. The ½d, 1d and 2d represent the only printings of these values on Post Office stock, the dies being reserved otherwise for stamping of private envelopes. BW EP29,30,31w,33, cat AU$1100 (4)
Pre-stamped envelopes: 1970s to 1990s accumulation of commercial usages to several Sydney addresses, mostly definitive types and including examples from all the various series issued in the period, including window types, with uprated frankings, few registered, few examples of the return address printed-to-order envelopes, and a small number of commemorative issues. Condition varies but many fine (approx 150)
c1996 Express Private Order window envelopes (x 3, 235 x 120mm) for QANTAS with printed Express Ticket Centre Sender address, 'QA' coded yellow labels, all slightly different front and reverse, three different Australia Post logos, two with barcode on back, used but without datestamps, one dated 'C(arded) 18/2/97', minor tones and a rare group (3)
Official Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Kangaroo Original Die with Type 1 drilled 'OS', used by the Commonwealth Maternity Allowances Office, Brisbane, 22 April 1914, fine. BW EO1A, cat AU$250
Official Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Original Die with Type 1 drilled 'OS' for Victorian Education Department (103 x 228mm) used with ½d George V punctured 'OS' 1923 (3 Oct) from Toolamba to Melbourne, very fine. BW EO1A, cat AU$250
Official Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Kangaroo Original Die with Type 1 drilled 'OS', on blue envelope for the Deputy Commissioner of Maternity Allowances, used from Melbourne, 26 October 1915. Light toning at base of envelope, otherwise fine. BW EO1A, cat AU$250
Official Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Re Kangaroo Die I with Type 3 drilled 'OS' for Victorian Education Department used 1923 (20 Aug) from Morwell to Melbourne, underpaid for 1½d rate and with oval 'T 1D'. Light toning. BW EO1C, cat AU$250
1918 1d Kangaroo Original Die with drilled 'OS' (Type 1) + ½d Green George Sideface with engraved 'OS' used from Melbourne 10 October 1919 by the Deputy Commissioner of Maternity Allowances, fine and a major postal stationery rarity. Two examples of this compound envelope are recorded, the other differs insofar as the 1d Kangaroo is Die 1. BW EO2A, cat AU$10000
Official Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo with drilled 'OS' cut-out (58 x 42mm) uprated with ½d Green George V and cancelled Melbourne cds, 20DE19. Archival records indicate a single printing of 1,500 envelopes for the Department of Customs, with one entire and three cut-outs recorded. BW EO3, cat AU$250
Official Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo with drilled 'OS', two cut-outs, one 46 x 49mm and cancelled Melbourne c ds, 22NO20, other 45 x 35mm uprated with 2d Kangaroo and cancelled Melbourne cds 27SE18. Archival records indicate a single printing of 1,500 envelopes for the Department of Customs, with one entire and three cut-outs recorded. BW EO3. cat AU$500 (2)
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-15 ½d Green Kangaroo for Warden Harry Graves, Ltd. (user unlisted by BW) and with printed '100 Posted.' at lower right, used in Sydney 1914 (21 Jul), flap missing. BW ES1, cat AU$500
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-15 ½d Green Kangaroo for Barrow Brothers, with handstruck '20 POSTED' in violet, used 1914 (O7 Oct) from Melbourne to Portland, very fine. BW ES1, cat AU$500
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo group comprising Original Die for Civil Service Co-operative Society mint (very fine), and for Kalgoorlie Roads Board used (flap faults), and Die II for Reschs Limited (no flap) and for Vacuum Oil Co. (staining on reverse), both used (4)
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo with attractive printed advertising front and back for P. Sheahan & Co., one Original State of die used 1913 (9 May), other Die I used 1914 (2 Apr), fine and attractive (2)
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-14 1d Red Kangaroo Die I (2), one for Shire of Heidelberg used 1914 (20 May), other for Shire of Orbost uprated with Victoria for registration and used 1914 (29 Jan), a fine State/Commonwealth mixed usage (2)
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo Die 2A for unknown user with printed address on patterned envelope (138 x 80mm) mint, stains at upper left affecting stamp, rare. BW ES6, cat AU$1500
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo Die 2A window envelope for The Australian Drug Coy. Limited, used at Sydney OC27 1920, very fine. BW ES6, cat AU$1000
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo Die 2A for S. Cooke Proprietary Limited, cancelled Spencer Street Melbourne duplex JL 2/13 and addressed to Adelaide, fine. BW ES6, cat AU$1000
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1913-20 2d Grey Kangaroo Die 2A for S. Cooke Proprietary Limited, uprated with Victoria ½d and used from Melbourne to Berlin, Germany, 13 JUN 13, fine and an unusual overseas usage. BW ES6, cat AU$1000
Stamped-to-order Envelopes: 1917-21 3d Olive Kangaroo envelope for S. Cooke Proprietary Limited, uprated with 1d Red George V for 4d foreign rate from Melbourne to Leipzig, Germany, 17 February 1922. Archival records indicate 1,845 envelopes were printed between 1917 and 1921, probably all for the same firm. Couple of small ink stains at top of envelope, otherwise fine and a major Australian Commonwealth postal stationery rarity, with only four entire envelopes recorded. BW ES8, cat AU$7500
1916-20 6d Blue Kangaroo envelope (230 x 182mm, with internal linen pouch) inscribed 'Wool Sample only' and with printed address for Messrs Krelinger & Fernau, London. Archival records indicate that 1,641 envelopes were printed in November 1916; no used examples are recorded. Fine mint and very rare, with only five complete envelopes recorded. A major Australian Commonwealth postal stationery rarity, BW ES10, cat AU$6000
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1929 6d Brown Kangaroo Die 2 on Foy and Gibson Pty. Ltd. brown envelope (295 x 232mm) for their Winter 1929 catalogue, used from Melbourne to Dimboola, 12 March 1929. Few small defects as to be expected such a large item, including vertical fold and damaged lower right corner. Only two entires are recorded, using cliches with different die states, thus this is the only Die 2 envelope known. BW ES11A, cat AU$7500
Stamped-to-Order Envelopes: 1929 6d Brown Kangaroo Die 2A on Foy and Gibson Pty. Ltd. brown envelope (295 x 232mm) for their Winter 1929 catalogue, used from Melbourne to Birchip (and redirected to Footscray), 20 March 1929. The Die 2A cliche used show signs of an attempt to retouch the extensive Die 2A break in the left frame. Few minor faults but generally fine for such a large item. Only two entires are recorded, using stamps with different die states, thus this is the only Die 2A envelope known. BW ES11B, cat AU$7500
Stamped-to-order Envelopes: 1943-46 1½d Green + 1d Brown KGVI oval embossed used from, Sydney 5 January 1943 (the earliest known date), user unknown, very fine used. Only five examples of this envelope are recorded, from four different users. BW ES82, cat AU$4000
Stamped-to-order Envelopes: 1950-51 2d Violet and 2d Green KGVI oval embossed envelopes, used by Harris Scarfe Ltd. (Adelaide) for the 2d printed matter rate. This rate came into force on 1 December 1950, at which time the colour of the embossing should have been changed from violet to green, however one printing was made for Harris Scarfe in violet. The 2d violet with some toning down right side of envelope. See Note in BW catalogue, BW ES84 and 85, cat AU$875 (2)
Stamped-to-order Envelopes: 1947(?) 2½d + 2½d Red KGVI oval embossed envelope used by permit holder No. 354 (Roy Robbins, Turf Commission Agent) meeting the 2d permit mail plus 3d airmail fee rate, and used from Melbourne to Canberra. Fine and very rare, with only four entires recorded. BW ES87, cat AU$6000