½d Green corner block of 9, first unit variety 'Cracked Electro from Left Wattles to Forearm of Kangaroo' (5L46) State II, second unit variety 'White Flaw Below P of POSTAGE' (5L47), fresh MUH. BW 65(5)ka,l, cat AU$625++ for hinged
½d Green vertical marginal strip of 4, second unit variety 'Cracked electro from Left Wattles to Forearm of Kangaroo (5L46) State II, superb used. BW 65(5)ka, cat AU$650++
1½d Deep Brown Punctured 'OS' variety 'Cracked Electro from Kangaroo's Thigh Through Lower Portion of Emu's Feet to Right Frame' (unpositioned). BW 86(U)h, cat AU$600, punctured 'OS' far Rarer