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      Internet General Sale No. 823

    • All amounts are in Australian dollars.
    • Lots with a "T" after the Estimate are subject to GST of 10% on the Reserve Price.
           Overseas buyers are exempt from paying this charge.
    • Purchase Prices include the Buyer''s premium of 16.5% (including GST).
    • Realised Prices do not include the Buyer''s Premium (and GST if applicable).


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    [ Symbols and Codes ]


    Lot 610
    O ]
    Estimate: $75 Realised Price : $105

    1902-04 Base Completed used range on hagners, mixed perforations and a range of shades, with ½d (5), 1d (21), 2d (8), 3d, 4d (3), 5d (7), 6d, 8d (2), 10d (2), 1/- (2), 2/- (3), 5/-. Also 196-08 Wmk Crown over A ½d and 1d (4). Few with faults, and some faded (61)


    Lot 611
    S/*/(*) ]
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1902-04 Base Completed 5d, 1/- and 2/- (2) overprinted SPECIMEN (18¼ x 2½mm) vertically reading up (5d, 2/-) or down (1/-) as used by Tasmania for distribution to the U.P.U., one 2/- a little faded and no gum, 1/- tone spots on gum. BW D29x, D37x, D40x, cat AU$525 (4)


    Lot 612
    S/* ]
    Estimate: $650 Realised Price : $500

    1902-04 Design Completed Watermark Crown over NSW 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 1/-, 2/-, 5/-, 10/- and 20/- over SPECIMEN Type 2 as used for U.P.U. distribution, generally very fine with large part OG (10/- and 20/- in superior quality). A scarce group in this condition. BW cat AU$1900 (12)


    Lot 613
    O/^ ]
    Estimate: $150 Realised Price : $115

    1902-04 Base Completed 1/- Emerald Perf 11½,12 gutter block of 4 cancelled 'P.R./PERTH W.A.' cds dated AU 6/02, very fine; also small piece with 3d, 6d, 2/- and 5/- with same canceller dated OC 9/06, a scarce four-value franking including the higher denominations (8)


    Lot 614
    (*) ]
    Estimate: $250 Realised Price : $190

    1902-04 Base Completed Watermark Crown over NSW Perf 11½,12 x 11 ½d Emerald gutter block of 4 from top of sheet showing variety 'Double Perforation' along top, and also with an additional vertical line of perforations in the gutter. Colour a little faded (as are all other examples) and no gum, however rare. BW D13b, undercatalogued at AU$200+


    Lot 615
    O ]
    Estimate: $220 Realised Price : $170

    1902-04 Base Completed 5/- Emerald Perf 11½,12 x 11 gutter block of 8 from base of sheet cancelled multiple strikes of 'PARCEL POST/TOWNSVILLE' cds dated 1 MAY 25, late use for customs purposes and a scarce multiple. Some toning on reverse with a couple of spots showing through. BW D423 cat AU$400, SG D33 cat £176


    Lot 616
    * ]
    Estimate: $1,500 Purchase Price : $1,340

    1902-04 Base Completed 10/- Dull Green Perf 11, slightly toned gum and somewhat heavily hinged. SG D43 cat £1800, BW D44 cat AU$3500


    Lot 617
    O ]
    Estimate: $2,000 Purchase Price : $1,748

    1902-04 Base Completed 10/- Dull Green cancelled by two very light strikes of portion of cds in violet, very fine. With 2020 RPSV Certificate stating 'no comment on the source of the cancel', however the colour matches that seen for the Sydney Parcels Branch cds which occurs as a genuine cancellation on this stamp. SG D43 cat £1800, BW D44 cat AU$4000


    Lot 618
    O ]
    Estimate: $2,750 Purchase Price : $2,447

    1902-04 Design Completed Watermark Crown over NSW 10/- Dull Green cancelled by portion of oval Sydney Parcels Branch ds in purple, very fine and a rare stamp. BW D44, cat AU$4000, SG D43 cat £2000


    Lot 619
    O ]
    Estimate: $1,500 Purchase Price : $1,340

    1902-04 Design Completed Watermark Crown over NSW 10/- Dull Green cancelled 'NSW' in concentric ovals, possibly of CTO status, nevertheless rare. BW D44, cat AU$2500 as CTO


    Lot 620
    O ]
    Estimate: $3,750 Purchase Price : $3,379

    1902-04 Base Completed 20/- Dull Green good colour and very fine used, cancelled by portion of Sydney Parcels Branch cds in violet, rare. SG catalogue used at £2250, considerable less than their mint price (£4000), however the used stamp is far scarcer than mint. BW D45, cat AU$7500


    Lot 621
    O ]
    Estimate: $2,000 Purchase Price : $1,748

    1902-04 Design Completed Watermark Crown over NSW 20/- Dull Green cancelled 'NSW' in concentric ovals, possibly of CTO status, nevertheless a rare stamp. BW D45, cat AU$3000 as CTO


    Lot 622
    O ]
    Estimate: $1,000 Purchase Price : $874

    1902-04 Design Completed Watermark Crown over NSW 20/- Dull Green with small portion of posthumous 'per favour' (or perhaps worse) cds


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