1901-1940 largely mint collection on hagners, with 1901 BNG ½d and 1d; 1906 Large Papua 2d and 1/-; 1906 Small Papua ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d and 2/6d; 1907-10 range of Large and Small 'PAPUA' to 2/6d incl punctured 'OS' U (3); 1911 Monocolours ½d to 2/6d, plus punctured 'OS' ½d, 1d, 2d CTO, 1917 'ONE PENNY' Surcharges incl 6d with JBC monogram; 1916-31 Bicolours to 5/- (2); 1932 9d and 1/3d; 1930-31 Air Mail opts (incl 1931 3d Ash imprint strip of 3 no gum); 1932 Pictorials ½d to £1, later issues complete incl 1937 Coronation set on cover. Also New Guinea 1932-34 Birds 2½d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 9d and Air Mail 2½d and 3½d in used blocks of 4. Generally fine to very fine with some MUH, high cat value (153 + 1 cover)
Lot 861
Estimate: $650
Realised Price : $500
1907-10 Large 'PAPUA' Lakatois ½d, 2/6d, Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Upright Perf 11 1d - 1/-, Perf 12½ 2d - 1/- (both with additional 2½d shade), Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Sideways Perf 11 ½d - 1/- (with additional ½d, 1d and 2½d shades), Perf 12½ ½d - 1/- (less rare 6d), 1910-11 Large 'PAPUA' ½d - 2/6d (both types). All large part OG and lightly hinged, and generally fine apart from a few with inevitable gum toning. SG 47-83, cat £900+ (39)
Lot 862
Estimate: $380
Realised Price : $290
1907-10 Small 'PAPUA' Wmk Upright Perf 11 1d (2), 2d, 2½d, 6d, 1/-, Perf 12½ 2d, 4d, 1/-, Wmk Sideways Perf 11 ½d (2), 1d, 2d (2), 2½d, 6d, Perf 12½ ½d, 2d (2), 2½d, 1/-, and 1910-11 Large 'PAPUA' ½d - 1/- all fine used other than a few minor perf defects. SG cat £560+
Lot 863
Estimate: $900
Realised Price : $950
1907-1910 Small 'PAPUA' Watermark Crown over A sideways Perf 11 x 12½ heavily hinged part OG. SG 73, cat £1700
Lot 864
Estimate: $140
Realised Price : $105
1911 Monocolours ½d - 2/6d mint (with additional ½d shade), plus 1d Perf 14 and 1917 'ONE PENNY' Surcharges complete (with additional ½d shade), part OG and generally fine, and similar sets fine used. SG 84-92,106-111, cat £218 (38)
Lot 865
Estimate: $700
Realised Price : $525
1916-31 Bicoloured Lakatois mint selection on hagners with ½d (2), 1d (4), 1½d (4), 2d (4), 2½d (2), 3d (3), 4d (2), 5d (2), 6d (2), 1/- (2), 2/6d (2), 5/- (2), 10/- (2), most catalogued printings represented, with additional 1½d variety 'POSTACE at right' (3, one U), 6d pair, one variety 'POSTACE at left'. Also 1931 2d on 1½d block of 4 and singles (2), 1931 5d on 1/-, 9d on 2/6d (2) and 1/3d on 5/-, and 1932 9d and 1/3d. Mostly large part OG with some MUH. SG cat £900+ (50)
Lot 866
Estimate: $120
Realised Price : $90
1916-31 Bicoloured Lakatois ½d to 10/- mostly large part OG and lightly hinged (few lower values MUH), couple of values with gum toning, also 1932 9d and 1/3d lightly hinged. SG 93-105 and 127-128, cat £265 (15)
Lot 867
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $190
1916-31 Bicoloured Lakatois used range on hagner with ½d - 10/- (two each, with shades), plus 1931 2d on 1½d (2), 1932 5d on 1/-, 9d on 2/6d (2), 5/- on 1/3d, and 1932 9d and 1/3d. Generally fine, but one 10/- with likely fake cds (34)
Lot 868
Estimate: $500
Realised Price : $575
1916-31 Lakatoi 10/- Green and Pale Ultramarine CTO Port Moresby cds 2 AP25 and with handstruck COLONIAS overprint in blue for U.P.U. distribution to Portuguese Colonies, affixed to small piece. Frame colour of stamp affected by tropicalisation, but rare
Lot 869
Estimate: $90
Realised Price : $70
1929-30 3d 'AIR MAIL' overprint (3, Cooke, Harrison and Ash printings), plus Cooke CA-JBC monogram block of 10 all MUH, 1930 'AIR MAIL' overprints 6d, 1/- Harrison printings mint and used, 3d (3, one U), 6d, 1/- Ash printings mint, plus extra 6d with variety 'Rift in Cloud'. SG 112-119, cat £120+ (20M, 3U)
Lot 870
Estimate: $500
Realised Price : $550
1932 Lakatoi 9d Lilac and Violet and 1/3d Lilac and Pale Greenish-blue overprinted SPECIMEN, very fine MUH. SG 127-28s, cat £700+ (2)
Lot 871
Estimate: $550
Realised Price : $470
1932 Pictorials ½d - £1 (plus ½d shade) fine mint with large part OG, also 1934-1939 commemorative and airmail issues similar. SG 130-168, cat £693 (40)
Lot 872
Estimate: $500
Realised Price : $380
1932 Pictorials ½d - £1 fine used, plus 1934-1939 commemorative and airmail issues also fine used. SG 130-168, cat £627 (39)
Lot 873
Estimate: $250
Realised Price : $190
1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V small study on leaves with mint imprint blocks of 4 (some toning, but the 1d, 3d and 5d with 'Accent for Apostrophe' variety), 5d used block of 4, and covers, with local usages bearing 2d, 2d and 3d, and 3d pair respectively, re-addressed cover to Canada with 2d, registered covers to NSW with 3d, to U.K. with 2d and 5d, and to New York with 2d and 5d (16M, 4U and 7 covers)
Lot 874
Estimate: $600
Realised Price : $650
1935 Silver Jubilee of King George V 1d, 2d, 3d and 5d affixed to small piece with diagonal 'SPECIMEN' handstamp in black applied as a receiving handstamp by Bechuanaland. Fine and unique