1860 Watermark Large Star Imperf 6d Green very large margins all round, small top left corner repair (in margin of stamp) and tiny central thin, very fine appearance, with 1961 BPA Certificate. SG 3, cat £950
1866-67 Lithographs No Watermark 4d Lilac Second Transfer variety 'FOUR Missing', fine example with '48' in rays cancel of St. Lawrence largely clear of variety. SG 55b, cat £1500
1868-78 Watermark Crown over Q Perf 12, 1d Pale Orange-vermilion strips of 3 (2, a severed block of 6) and 2d Bright Blue block of 6 part OG, 1d strips with some creasing and tone spots, 2d fine apart from tow small tone spots. SG 95, 99, cat £930 (12)
1868-78 Watermark Crown over Q (I) Perf 12 2d Bright Blue Plate II horizontal strip of 6 large part OG, last unit with perf defect at right, short perfs along base of most units. SGH 99, cat £420
1868-78 Watermark Crown over Q (I) Perf 12½ 2d Pale Blue Plate I pair cancelled '59' in rays of Townsville (cds alongside), used on 1869 (31 Mar) cover to Bowen (AP 1 1869 backstamp). Very fine and an extraordinary usage of this rare perforation variety, possibly the only recorded multiple. A major Queensland rarity, SG do not catalogue the Pale Blue shade. SG 115c (Deep Blue), cat £2000++