1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper ½d to £1 mint and used accumulation on pages, hangers and stock cards, including many mint and used multiples up to 1/-, and including 5/- M (7) and U16), 10/- M (2, one toned), U and CTO (3), and £1 CTO. Large quantities of both dies of the 1d and 2d, and significant numbers of all other values up to 2/-, and a page of interesting cancellations. Mounted stamps with many frame plate and value plate varieties identified. Some faults but mostly fine and an exceptional opportunity to acquire material for research, high catalogue value (approx 1,000)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper ½d Rose-red and Green JBC monogram block of 12, faint crease on corner stamp otherwise very fine with full OG and only two units hinged, showing JBC monogram setting 10mm below and flush with left side of tablet. BW D76z, cat AU$875 for mounted monogram strip of 3
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper ½d Rose-red and Green block of 30 from lower left corner of sheet with JBC monogram under No. 10/3, superb with full gum, 18 units cancelled oval 'REGISTERED/PERTH W.A.' ds 7 JA 14. An exceptional monogram piece, BW D76z, cat AU$875 as a mint monogram strip of 3
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper ½d Rose-red and Green block of 30 from lower right corner of sheet with CA monogram under No. 10/10, cancelled-to-order with oval 'REGISTERED/PERTH W.A.' ds 6 DE 12 and with full OG. Two small black marks on gum of one unit, otherwise superb and a fine and scarce monogram piece. BW D76zb, cat AU$875 as a mint monogram strip of 3
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 1d Rose-red and Green Die I JBC and CA monogram strips of 3 from left and right corners of sheet respectively, superb almost full OG and each with two units MUH. BW D77z,zb, cat AU$1000+ (6)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 1d Rose-red and Green Die II pair with 'JBC' monogram fine with large part OG. BW 78za, cat AU$175+
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 2d Rose-red and Green Die I JBC monogram strip of 3 cancelled Broken Hill cds 19 NO/09, very fine. BW D80za, cat AU$200 as mint monogram single
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 3d Rose-red and Green CA and JBC monogram singles. The monogram settings are CA (below 10/3) 9mm below and 1.5mm outside tablet, JBC (below 10/10) 10mm below and 3.5mm outside tablet. Both fine with large part OG (2). BW D84za,ze, cat AU$800 (2)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 4d Rose-red and Green JBC and CA monogram strips of 3 from the left and right corners of the sheet respectively. Very fine with large part OG and some units MUH.The JBC monogram from the setting with monogram 7.5mm below tablet and 1mm inside left frame of tablet. An exceptional pair of strips and possibly unique. BW D85z,zb, cat AU$2500 (6)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 6d Rose-red and Green CA and JBC monogram singles. The monogram settings are CA (under 10/10) 8.5mm below and flush with tablet, JBC (under 10/3) 8.5mm below and 4.5mm inside tablet. Both very fine with large part OG, a rare pair. BW D86za,zg, cat AU$1200 (2)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 1/- Rose-red and Green CA monogram block of 4 showing marginal letters 'MMONW' indicating the left side of the sheet with monogram under Stamp 10/3, very fine with large part OG, rare. BW D88za, cat AU$600 for monogram single
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 2/- Rose-red and Green CA and JBC monogram strips of 3 from the left and right corners of the sheet respectively. The monogram setting are CA 11.5mm below and 3mm outside tablet, JBC 12.5mm below and 3mm outside tablet. Superb MUH ex Australia Post Archival Sale. BW D89z, zd, cat AU$4000 (6)
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 5/- Rose-red and Green used with 1d Die II, 4d, 6d, and 1/- of the same series cancelled 'POSTE RESTANTE PERTH/ WEST AUSTRALIA' cds, on 1913 (Dec) large part cover sent by the Clerk of Courts, Midland Junction to Perth apparently unstamped and taxed on arrival. An exceptional franking, neither the 1/- or 5/- are priced on cover by BW
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 5/- Rose-red and Green JBC monogram lower right block of 12 superb MUH, from Australia Post Archival Sale, a magnificent and rare block. BW 90zd, cat AU$2500 as monogram strip of 3, plus premium for MUH block of 12.
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 10/- Rose-red and Green horizontal pair cancelled double-circle 'clock' cds in violet, a rare multiple. BW D91 cat AU$600, SG D72 cat £300
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 10/- Rose-red and Green with CA monogram with very light and indistinct cancel, showing marginal watermark letters 'RA' indicating the monogram to be positioned under Stamp 10/10, contrary to the BW catalogue statement. Very fine without gum and the only recorded example, making this arguably the rarest monogram of Australian Commonwealth. A major postage due rarity, grossly undercatalogued by BW at AU$3500
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper £1 Rose-red and Green with 'CA' monogram, large part OG and very fine appearance. One of two recorded examples of this monogram, a major rarity. BW D92za, cat AU$6000
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 1d Rose-red and Green Die II Perf 11 cancelled by indelible pencil, very fine and a rare and underappreciated stamp BW 79, cat AU$3250, SG D74, cat £1400
1909-10 Watermark Crown over Double-lined A Thick Paper 6d Rose-red and Green Perf 11 lightly cancelled with indecipherable cds, one shortish perf at top right, otherwise fine. A major postage due rarity and arguably the rarest basic stamp of Australian Commonwealth. This stamp was discovered in 2002, and apart from this example there is an unused stamp without gum, and two pen-cancelled examples in the Royal Collection. A key item for anyone attempting a complete collection. With 2002 Briefmarkenprufstelle Basel Certificate. BW D87 cat AU$40000, SG D75 cat £24000